
This page lists the research publications which have been carried out in the context of the HACC program, or papers that may be of interest to the HACC community.


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LevelST: Stream-based Accelerator for Sparse Triangular Solver Zifan Heet al. UCLA Paper GitHub Over the past decade, much progress has been made to advance the acceleration of sparse linear operators such as SpMM and SpMV on FPGAs. Nevertheless, few works have attempted to address sparse triangular solver (SpTRSV) acceleration, and the performance boost is limited. SpTRSV is an elementary linear operator for many numerical methods, such as the least-square method. These methods, among others, are widely used in various areas, such as physical simulation and signal processing. Therefore, accelerating SpTRSV is crucial. However, many challenges impede accelerating SpTRSV, including (1) resolving dependencies between elements during forward or backward substitutions, (2) random access and unbalanced workloads across memory channels due to sparsity, (3) latency incurred by off-chip memory access for large matrices or vectors, and (4) data reuse for an unpredictable data sharing pattern. To address these issues, we have designed LevelST, the first FPGA accelerator leveraging high bandwidth memory (HBM) for solving sparse triangular systems. LevelST features (1) algorithm-hardware co-design of stream-based dependency resolution with reduced off-chip data movement, (2) resource sharing that improves resource utilization to scale up the architecture, (3) index modulo scheduling to balance workload, and (4) selective data prefetching from off-chip memory. LevelST is prototyped on an AMD Xilinx U280 HBM FPGA and evaluated with 16 sparse triangular matrices. Compared with the NVIDIA V100 and RTX 3060 GPUs over the cuSPARSE library, LevelST achieves a 2.65x speedup and 9.82x higher energy efficiency than the best of the V100 GPU and RTX 3060 GPU. The code is released on (DOI:
SSR: Spatial Sequential Hybrid Architecture for Latency Throughput Tradeoff in Transformer Acceleration Jinming Zhuang et al. University of Pittsburgh, University of Maryland, University of Notre Dame Paper GitHub With the increase in the computation intensity of the chip, the mismatch between computation layer shapes and the available computation resource significantly limits the utilization of the chip. Driven by this observation, prior works discuss spatial accelerators or dataflow architecture to maximize the throughput. However, using spatial accelerators could potentially increase the execution latency. In this work, we first systematically investigate two execution models: (1) sequentially (temporally) launch one monolithic accelerator, and (2) spatially launch multiple accelerators. From the observations, we find that there is a latency throughput tradeoff between these two execution models, and combining these two strategies together can give us a more efficient latency throughput Pareto front. To achieve this, we propose spatial sequential architecture (SSR) and SSR design automation framework to explore both strategies together when deploying deep learning inference. We use the 7nm AMD Versal ACAP VCK190 board to implement SSR accelerators for four end-to-end transformer-based deep learning models. SSR achieves average throughput gains of 2.53x, 35.71x, and 14.20x under different batch sizes compared to the 8nm Nvidia GPU A10G, 16nm AMD FPGAs ZCU102, and U250. The average energy efficiency gains are 8.51x, 6.75x, and 21.22x, respectively. Compared with the sequential-only solution and spatial-only solution on VCK190, our spatial-sequential-hybrid solutions achieve higher throughput under the same latency requirement and lower latency under the same throughput requirement. We also use SSR analytical models to demonstrate how to use SSR to optimize solutions on other computing platforms, e.g., 14nm Intel Stratix 10 NX.


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ACTS: A Near-Memory FPGA Graph Processing Framework Wole Jaiyeobaet al. UCLA Paper Despite the high off-chip bandwidth and on-chip parallelism offered by today's near-memory accelerators, software-based (CPU and GPU) graph processing frameworks still suffer performance degradation from under-utilization of available memory bandwidth because graph traversal often exhibits poor locality. Emerging FPGAbased graph accelerators tackle this challenge by designing specialized graph processing pipelines and application-specific memory subsystems to maximize bandwidth utilization and efficiently utilize high-speed on-chip memory. To use the limited on-chip (BRAM) memory effectively while handling larger graph sizes, several FPGAbased solutions resort to some form of graph slicing or partitioning during preprocessing to stage vertex property data into the BRAM. While this has demonstrated performance superiority for small graphs, this approach breaks down with larger graph sizes. For example, GraphLily [19], a recent high-performance FPGA-based graph accelerator, experiences up to 11X performance degradation between graphs having 3M vertices and 28M vertices. This makes prior FPGA approaches impractical for large graphs. We propose ACTS, an HBM-enabled FPGA graph accelerator, to address this problem. Rather than partitioning the graph offline to improve spatial locality, we partition vertex-update messages (based on destination vertex IDs) generated online after active edges have been processed. This optimizes read bandwidth even as the graph size scales. We compare ACTS against Gunrock, a state-of-the-art graph processing accelerator for the GPU, and GraphLily, a recent FPGA-based graph accelerator also utilizing HBM memory. Our results show a geometric mean speedup of 1.5X, with a maximum speedup of 4.6X over Gunrock, and a geometric speedup of 3.6X, with a maximum speedup of 16.5X, over GraphLily. Our results also showed a geometric mean power reduction of 50% and a mean reduction of energy-delay product of 88% over Gunrock.
AMNES: Accelerating the computation of data correlation using FPGAs Monica Chiosa et al. ETH Zurich and AMD Paper GitHub A widely used approach to characterize input data in both databases and ML is computing the correlation between attributes. The operation is supported by all major database engines and ML platforms. However, it is an expensive operation as the number of attributes involved grows. To address the issue, in this paper we introduce AMNES, a stream analytics system offloading the correlation operator into an FPGA-based network interface card. AMNES processes data at network line rate and the design can be used in combination with smart storage or SmartNICs to implement near data or in-network data processing. AMNES design goes beyond matrix multiplication and offers a customized solution for correlation computation bypassing the CPU. Our experiments show that AMNES can sustain streams arriving at 100 Gbps over an RDMA network, while requiring only ten milliseconds to compute the correlation coefficients among 64 streams, an order of magnitude better than competing CPU or GPU designs.
Callipepla: Stream Centric Instruction Set and Mixed Precision for Accelerating Conjugate Gradient Solver Linghao Songet al. UCLA and Ansys Paper GitHub The continued growth in the processing power of FPGAs coupled with high bandwidth memories (HBM), makes systems like the Xilinx U280 credible platforms for linear solvers which often dominate the run time of scientific and engineering applications. In this paper, we present Callipepla, an accelerator for a preconditioned conjugate gradient linear solver (CG). FPGA acceleration of CG faces three challenges: (1) how to support an arbitrary problem and terminate acceleration processing on the fly, (2) how to coordinate long-vector data flow among processing modules, and (3) how to save off-chip memory bandwidth and maintain double (FP64) precision accuracy. To tackle the three challenges, we present (1) a stream-centric instruction set for efficient streaming processing and control, (2) vector streaming reuse (VSR) and decentralized vector flow scheduling to coordinate vector data flow among modules and further reduce off-chip memory access latency with a double memory channel design, and (3) a mixed precision scheme to save bandwidth yet still achieve effective double precision quality solutions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to introduce the concept of VSR for data reusing between on-chip modules to reduce unnecessary off-chip accesses and enable modules working in parallel for FPGA accelerators. We prototype the accelerator on a Xilinx U280 HBM FPGA. Our evaluation shows that compared to the Xilinx HPC product, the XcgSolver, Callipepla achieves a speedup of 3.94x, 3.36x higher throughput, and 2.94x better energy efficiency. Compared to an NVIDIA A100 GPU which has 4x the memory bandwidth of Callipepla, we still achieve 77% of its throughput with 3.34x higher energy efficiency. The code is available at
CHARM: Composing Heterogeneous AcceleRators for Matrix Multiply on Versal ACAP Architecture Jinming Zhuang et al. University of Pittsburgh, UCLA, UIUC, AMD Paper GitHub Dense matrix multiply (MM) serves as one of the most heavily used kernels in deep learning applications. To cope with the high computation demands of these applications, heterogeneous architectures featuring both FPGA and dedicated ASIC accelerators have emerged as promising platforms. For example, the AMD/Xilinx Versal ACAP architecture combines general-purpose CPU cores and programmable logic (PL) with AI Engine processors (AIE) optimized for AI/ML. An array of 400 AI Engine processors executing at 1 GHz can theoretically provide up to 6.4 TFLOPs performance for 32-bit floating-point (fp32) data. However, machine learning models often contain both large and small MM operations. While large MM operations can be parallelized efficiently across many cores, small MM operations typically cannot. In our investigation, we observe that executing some small MM layers from the BERT natural language processing model on a large, monolithic MM accelerator in Versal ACAP achieved less than 5% of the theoretical peak performance. Therefore, one key question arises: How can we design accelerators to fully use the abundant computation resources under limited communication bandwidth for end-to-end applications with multiple MM layers of diverse sizes? We identify the biggest system throughput bottleneck resulting from the mismatch of massive computation resources of one monolithic accelerator and the various MM layers of small sizes in the application. To resolve this problem, we propose the CHARM framework to compose multiple diverse MM accelerator architectures working concurrently towards different layers within one application. CHARM includes analytical models which guide design space exploration to determine accelerator partitions and layer scheduling. To facilitate the system designs, CHARM automatically generates code, enabling thorough onboard design verification. We deploy the CHARM framework for four different deep learning applications, including BERT, ViT, NCF, MLP, on the AMD/Xilinx Versal ACAP VCK190 evaluation board. Our experiments show that we achieve 1.46 TFLOPs, 1.61 TFLOPs, 1.74 TFLOPs, and 2.94 TFLOPs inference throughput for BERT, ViT, NCF, MLP, respectively, which obtain 5.40x, 32.51x, 1.00x and 1.00x throughput gains compared to one monolithic accelerator.
Co-design Hardware and Algorithm for Vector Search Wenqi Jianget al. ETH Zurich Paper GitHub Vector search has emerged as the foundation for large-scale information retrieval and machine learning systems, with search engines like Google and Bing processing tens of thousands of queries per second on petabyte-scale document datasets by evaluating vector similarities between encoded query texts and web documents. As performance demands for vector search systems surge, accelerated hardware offers a promising solution in the post-Moore's Law era. We introduce FANNS, an end-to-end and scalable vector search framework on FPGAs. Given a user-provided recall requirement on a dataset and a hardware resource budget, FANNS automatically co-designs hardware and algorithm, subsequently generating the corresponding accelerator. The framework also supports scale-out by incorporating a hardware TCP/IP stack in the accelerator. FANNS attains up to 23.0× and 37.2× speedup compared to FPGA and CPU baselines, respectively, and demonstrates superior scalability to GPUs, achieving 5.5× and 7.6× speedup in median and 95th percentile (P95) latency within an eight-accelerator configuration. The remarkable performance of FANNS lays a robust groundwork for future FPGA integration in data centers and AI supercomputers.
Democratizing Domain-Specific Computing Yuze Chiet al. UCLA Paper Creating a programming environment and compilation flow that empowers programmers to create their own DSAs efficiently and affordably on FPGAs.
Distributed large-scale graph processing on FPGAs Sahebi et al. University of Siena, University of Florence, Imperial College London Paper GitHub This work proposes an FPGA processing engine that overlaps, hides and customises all data transfers so that the FPGA accelerator is fully utilised. This engine is integrated into a framework for using FPGA clusters and is able to use an offline partitioning method to facilitate the distribution of large-scale graphs. The proposed framework uses Hadoop at a higher level to map a graph to the underlying hardware platform. The higher layer of computation is responsible for gathering the blocks of data that have been pre-processed and stored on the host’s file system and distribute to a lower layer of computation made of FPGAs. We show how graph partitioning combined with an FPGA architecture will lead to high performance, even when the graph has Millions of vertices and Billions of edges. In the case of the PageRank algorithm, widely used for ranking the importance of nodes in a graph, compared to state-of-the-art CPU and GPU solutions, our implementation is the fastest, achieving a speedup of 13 compared to 8 and 3 respectively. Moreover, in the case of the large-scale graphs, the GPU solution fails due to memory limitations while the CPU solution achieves a speedup of 12 compared to the 26x achieved by our FPGA solution. Other state-of-the-art FPGA solutions are 28 times slower than our proposed solution. When the size of a graph limits the performance of a single FPGA device, our performance model shows that using multi-FPGAs in a distributed system can further improve the performance by about 12x. This highlights our implementation efficiency for large datasets not fitting in the on-chip memory of a hardware device.
Exploring the Versal AI Engines for Accelerating Stencil-based Atmospheric Advection Simulation Nick Brown Paper The University of Edinburgh AMD Xilinx's new Versal Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) is an FPGA architecture combining reconfigurable fabric with other on-chip hardened compute resources. AI engines are one of these and, by operating in a highly vectorized manner, they provide significant raw compute that is potentially beneficial for a range of workloads including HPC simulation. However, this technology is still early-on, and as yet unproven for accelerating HPC codes, with a lack of benchmarking and best practice. This paper presents an experience report, exploring porting of the Piacsek and Williams (PW) advection scheme onto the Versal ACAP, using the chip's AI engines to accelerate the compute. A stencil-based algorithm, advection is commonplace in atmospheric modelling, including several Met Office codes who initially developed this scheme. Using this algorithm as a vehicle, we explore optimal approaches for structuring AI engine compute kernels and how best to interface the AI engines with programmable logic. Evaluating performance using a VCK5000 against non-AI engine FPGA configurations on the VCK5000 and Alveo U280, as well as a 24-core Xeon Platinum Cascade Lake CPU and Nvidia V100 GPU, we found that whilst the number of channels between the fabric and AI engines are a limitation, by leveraging the ACAP we can double performance compared to an Alveo U280.
Fortran High-Level Synthesis: Reducing the barriers to accelerating HPC codes on FPGAs Gabriel Rodriguez-Canal et al. Paper GitLab The University of Edinburgh In recent years the use of FPGAs to accelerate scientific applications has grown, with numerous applications demonstrating the benefit of FPGAs for high performance workloads. However, whilst High Level Synthesis (HLS) has significantly lowered the barrier to entry in programming FPGAs by enabling programmers to use C++, a major challenge is that most often these codes are not originally written in C++. Instead, Fortran is the lingua franca of scientific computing and-so it requires a complex and time consuming initial step to convert into C++ even before considering the FPGA. In this paper we describe work enabling Fortran for AMD Xilinx FPGAs by connecting the LLVM Flang front end to AMD Xilinx's LLVM back end. This enables programmers to use Fortran as a first-class language for programming FPGAs, and as we demonstrate enjoy all the tuning and optimisation opportunities that HLS C++ provides. Furthermore, we demonstrate that certain language features of Fortran make it especially beneficial for programming FPGAs compared to C++. The result of this work is a lowering of the barrier to entry in using FPGAs for scientific computing, enabling programmers to leverage their existing codebase and language of choice on the FPGA directly.
High Performance, Low Power Matrix Multiply Design on ACAP: from Architecture, Design Challenges and DSE Perspectives Jinming Zhuang et al. University of Pittsburgh Paper GitHub As the increasing complexity of Neural Network(NN) models leads to high demands for computation, AMD introduces a heterogeneous programmable system-on-chip (SoC), i.e., Versal ACAP architectures featured with programmable logic(PL), CPUs, and dedicated AI engines (AIE) ASICs which has a theoretical throughput up to 6.4 TFLOPs for FP32, 25.6 TOPs for INT16 and 102.4 TOPs for INT8. However, the higher level of complexity makes it non-trivial to achieve the theoretical performance even for well-studied applications like matrix-matrix multiply. In this paper, we provide AutoMM, an automatic white-box framework that can systematically generate the design for MM accelerators on Versal which achieves 3.7 TFLOPs, 7.5 TOPs, and 28.2 TOPs for FP32, INT16, and INT8 data type respectively. Our designs are tested on board and achieve gains of 7.20x (FP32), 3.26x (INT16), 6.23x (INT8) energy efficiency than AMD U250, 2.32x (FP32) than Nvidia Jetson TX2, 1.06x (FP32), 1.70x (INT8) than Nvidia A100.
LightRW: FPGA Accelerated Graph Dynamic Random Walks Hongshi Tanet al. NUS Paper GitHub Graph dynamic random walks (GDRWs) have recently emerged as a powerful paradigm for graph analytics and learning applications, including graph embedding and graph neural networks. Despite the fact that many existing studies optimize the performance of GDRWs on multi-core CPUs, massive random memory accesses and costly synchronizations cause severe resource underutilization, and the processing of GDRWs is usually the key performance bottleneck in many graph applications. This paper studies an alternative architecture, FPGA, to address these issues in GDRWs, as FPGA has the ability of hardware customization so that we are able to explore fine-grained pipeline execution and specialized memory access optimizations. Specifically, we propose LightRW, a novel FPGA-based accelerator for GDRWs. LightRW embraces a series of optimizations to enable fine-grained pipeline execution on the chip and to exploit the massive parallelism of FPGA while significantly reducing memory accesses. As current commonly used sampling methods in GDRWs do not efficiently support fine-grained pipeline execution, we develop a parallelized reservoir sampling method to sample multiple vertices per cycle for efficient pipeline execution. To address the random memory access issues, we propose a degree-aware configurable caching method that buffers hot vertices on-chip to alleviate random memory accesses and a dynamic burst access engine that efficiently retrieves neighbors. Experimental results show that our optimization techniques are able to improve the performance of GDRWs on FPGA significantly. Moreover, LightRW delivers up to 9.55x and 9.10x speedup over the state-of-the-art CPU-based MetaPath and Node2vec random walks, respectively. This work is open-sourced on GitHub at
MESA: Microarchitecture Extensions for Spatial Architecture Generation Dong Kai Wanget al. UIUC Paper GitHub Modern heterogeneous CPUs incorporate hardware accelerators to enable domain-specialized execution and achieve improved efficiency. A well-known class among them, spatial accelerators, are designed with reconfigurability to accelerate a wide range of compute-heavy and data-parallel applications. Unlike CPU cores, however, they tend to require specialized compilers and software stacks, libraries, or languages to operate and cannot be utilized with ease by all applications. As a result, the accelerator's large pool of compute and memory resources sit wastefully idle when it is not explicitly programmed. Our goal is to dismantle this CPU-accelerator barrier by monitoring CPU threads for acceleration opportunities during execution and, if viable, dynamically reconfigure the accelerator to allow transparent offloading. We develop MESA (Microarchitecture Extensions for Spatial Architecture Generation), a hardware block on the CPU that translates machine code to build an accelerator configuration specialized for the running program. While such a dynamic translation/reconfiguration approach is challenging, it has a key advantage over ahead-of-time compilers: access to runtime information, revealing not only dynamic dependencies but also performance characteristics. MESA maintains a real-time performance model of the program mapped on the accelerator in the form of a spatial dataflow graph with nodes weighted by operation latency and edges weighted by data transfer latency. Features of this dataflow graph are continuously updated with runtime information captured by performance counters, allowing a feedback loop of optimization, reconfiguration, and acceleration. This performance model allows MESA to identify the accelerator's critical paths and pinpoint its bottlenecks, upon which we implement in hardware a data-driven instruction mapping algorithm that locally minimizes latency. Backed by a synthesized RTL implementation, we evaluate the feasibility of our microarchitectural solution with different accelerator configurations. Across the Rodinia benchmarks, results demonstrate an average 1.3× speedup in performance and 1.8× gain in energy efficiency against a multicore CPU baseline.
Multi-FPGA Designs and Scaling of HPC Challenge Benchmarks via MPI and Circuit-Switched Inter-FPGA Networks Marius Meyer et al. Paderborn University Paper GitHub Extension of the HPCC benchmark suite for FPGAs with multi-FPGA benchmarks and support of inter-FPGA communication.
Optimistic Data Parallelism for FPGA-Accelerated Sketching Martin Kiefer et al. TU Berlin, DFKI, ITU Copenhagen Paper GitHub Sketches are a popular approximation technique for large datasets and high-velocity data streams. While custom FPGA-based hardware has shown admirable throughput at sketching, the state-of-the-art exploits data parallelism by fully replicating resources and constructing independent summaries for every parallel input value. We consider this approach pessimistic, as it guarantees constant processing rates by provisioning resources for the worst case. We propose a novel optimistic sketching architecture for FPGAs that partitions a single sketch into multiple independent banks shared among all input values, thus significantly reducing resource consumption. However, skewed input data distributions can result in conflicting accesses to banks and impair the processing rate. To mitigate the effect of skew, we add mergers that exploit temporal locality by combining recent updates.Our evaluation shows that an optimistic architecture is feasible and reduces the utilization of critical FPGA resources proportionally to the number of parallel input values. We further show that FPGA accelerators provide up to 2.6𝑥 higher throughput than a recent CPU and GPU, while larger sketch sizes enabled by optimistic architectures improve accuracy by up to an order of magnitude in a realistic sketching application.


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Accelerating SSSP for Power-Law Graphs Yuze Chi et al. UCLA Paper The single-source shortest path (SSSP) problem is one of the most important and well-studied graph problems widely used in many application domains, such as road navigation, neural image reconstruction, and social network analysis. Although we have known various SSSP algorithms for decades, implementing one for large scale power-law graphs efficiently is still highly challenging today, because ① a work-efficient SSSP algorithm requires priority-order traversal of graph data, ② the priority queue needs to be scalable both in throughput and capacity, and ③ priority-order traversal requires extensive random memory accesses on graph data. In this paper, we present SPLAG to accelerate SSSP for powerlaw graphs on FPGAs. SPLAG uses a coarse-grained priority queue (CGPQ) to enable high-throughput priority-order graph traversal with a large frontier. To mitigate the high-volume random accesses, SPLAG employs a customized vertex cache (CVC) to reduce off-chip memory access and improve the throughput to read and update vertex data. Experimental results on various synthetic and real world datasets show up to a 4.9× speedup over state-of-the-art SSSP accelerators, a 2.6× speedup over 32-thread CPU running at 4.4 GHz, and a 0.9× speedup over an A100 GPU that has 4.1× power budget and 3.4× HBM bandwidth. Such a high performance would place SPLAG in the 14th position of the Graph 500 benchmark for data intensive applications (the highest using a single FPGA) with only a 45 W power budget. SPLAG is written in high-level synthesis C++ and is fully parameterized, which means it can be easily ported to various different FPGAs with different configurations.
Note: Notes quoted from paper
AutoDSE: Enabling Software Programmers to Design Efficient FPGA Accelerators Atefeh Sohrabizadeh et al. UCLA Paper Adopting FPGA as an accelerator in datacenters is becoming mainstream for customized computing, but the fact that FPGAs are hard to program creates a steep learning curve for software programmers. Even with the help of high-level synthesis (HLS), accelerator designers still have to manually perform code reconstruction and cumbersome parameter tuning to achieve optimal performance. While many learning models have been leveraged by existing work to automate the design of efficient accelerators, the unpredictability of modern HLS tools becomes a major obstacle for them to maintain high accuracy. To address this problem, we propose an automated DSE framework—AutoDSE—that leverages a bottleneck-guided coordinate optimizer to systematically find a better design point. AutoDSE detects the bottleneck of the design in each step and focuses on high-impact parameters to overcome it. The experimental results show that AutoDSE is able to identify the design point that achieves, on the geometric mean, 19.9× speedup over one CPU core for MachSuite and Rodinia benchmarks. Compared to the manually optimized HLS vision kernels in Xilinx Vitis libraries, AutoDSE can reduce their optimization pragmas by 26.38× while achieving similar performance. With less than one optimization pragma per design on average, we are making progress towards democratizing customizable computing by enabling software programmers to design efficient FPGA accelerators.
Automated Accelerator Optimization Aided by Graph Neural Networks Atefeh Sohrabizadeh et al. UCLA Paper Using High-Level Synthesis (HLS), the hardware designers must describe only a high-level behavioral flow of the design. However, it still can take weeks to develop a high-performance architecture mainly because there are many design choices at a higher level to explore. Besides, it takes several minutes to hours to evaluate the design with the HLS tool. To solve this problem, we model the HLS tool with a graph neural network that is trained to be used for a wide range of applications. The experimental results demonstrate that our model can estimate the quality of design in milliseconds with high accuracy, resulting in up to 79X speedup (with an average of 48X) for optimizing the design compared to the previous state-of-the-art work relying on the HLS tool.
Enzian: An Open, General, CPU/FPGA Platform for Systems Software Research David Cock et al. ETH Zurich Paper Hybrid computing platforms, comprising CPU cores and FPGA logic, are increasingly used for accelerating data-intensive workloads in cloud deployments, and are a growing topic of interest in systems research. However, from a research perspective, existing hardware platforms are limited: they are often optimized for concrete, narrow use-cases and, therefore lack the flexibility needed to explore other applications and configurations. We show that a research group can design and build a more general, open, and affordable hardware platform for hybrid systems research. The platform, Enzian, is capable of duplicating the functionality of existing CPU/FPGA systems with comparable performance but in an open, flexible system. It couples a large FPGA with a server-class CPU in an asymmetric cache-coherent NUMA system. Enzian also enables research not possible with existing hybrid platforms, through explicit access to coherence messages, extensive thermal and power instrumentation, and an open, programmable baseboard management processor. Enzian is already being used in multiple projects, is open source (both hardware and software), and available for remote use. We present the design principles of Enzian, the challenges in building it, and evaluate it with a range of existing research use-cases alongside other, more specialized platforms, as well as demonstrating research not possible on existing platforms.
Farview: Disaggregated Memory with Operator Off-loading for Database Engines Dario Korolija et al. ETH Zurich Paper Cloud deployments disaggregate storage from compute, providing more flexibility to both the storage and compute layers. In this paper, we explore disaggregation by taking it one step further and applying it to memory (DRAM). Disaggregated memory uses network attached DRAM as a way to decouple memory from CPU. In the context of databases, such a design offers significant advantages in terms of making a larger memory capacity available as a central pool to a collection of smaller processing nodes. To explore these possibilities, we have implemented Farview, a disaggregated memory solution for databases, operating as a remote buffer cache with operator offloading capabilities. Farview is implemented as an FPGA-based smart NIC making DRAM available as a disaggregated, network attached memory pool capable of performing data processing at line rate over data streams to/from disaggregated memory. Farview supports query offloading using operators such as selection, projection, aggregation, regular expression matching and encryption. In this paper we focus on analytical queries and demonstrate the viability of the idea through an extensive experimental evaluation of Farview under different workloads. Farview is competitive with a local buffer cache solution for all the workloads and outperforms it in a number of cases, proving that a smart disaggregated memory can be a viable alternative for databases deployed in cloud environments.
FlexCNN: An End-to-End Framework for Composing CNN Accelerators on FPGA Suhail Basalamaet al. Paper UCLA With reduced data reuse and parallelism, recent convolutional neural networks (CNNs) create new challenges for FPGA acceleration. Systolic arrays (SAs) are efficient, scalable architectures for convolutional layers, but without proper optimizations, their efficiency drops dramatically for reasons: (1) the different dimensions within same-type layers, (2) the different convolution layers especially transposed and dilated convolutions, and (3) CNN’s complex dataflow graph. Furthermore, significant overheads arise when integrating FPGAs into machine learning frameworks. Therefore, we present a flexible, composable architecture called FlexCNN, which delivers high computation efficiency by employing dynamic tiling, layer fusion, and data layout optimizations. Additionally, we implement a novel versatile SA to process normal, transposed, and dilated convolutions efficiently. FlexCNN also uses a fully pipelined software-hardware integration that alleviates the software overheads. Moreover, with an automated compilation flow, FlexCNN takes a CNN in the ONNX representation, performs a design space exploration, and generates an FPGA accelerator. The framework is tested using three complex CNNs: OpenPose, U-Net, and E-Net. The architecture optimizations achieve 2.3× performance improvement. Compared to a standard SA, the versatile SA achieves close-to-ideal speedups, with up to 5.98× and 13.42× for transposed and dilated convolutions, with a 6% average area overhead. The pipelined integration leads to a 5× speedup for OpenPose.
FPGA Acceleration of Pre-Alignment Filters for Short Read Mapping With HLS David Castells-Rufas et al. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Paper Pre-alignment filters are useful for reducing the computational requirements of genomic sequence mappers. Most of them are based on estimating or computing the edit distance between sequences and their candidate locations in a reference genome using a subset of the dynamic programming table used to compute Levenshtein distance. Some of their FPGA implementations of use classic HDL toolchains, thus limiting their portability. Currently, most FPGA accelerators offered by heterogeneous cloud providers support C/C++ HLS. This work implements and optimizes several state-of-the-art pre-alignment filters using C/C++ based-HLS to expand their portability to a wide range of systems supporting the OpenCL runtime. A complete analysis of the performance and accuracy is performed. The maximum throughput obtained by an exact filter is 95.1 MPairs/s including memory transfers using 100 bp sequences, which is the highest ever reported for a comparable system and more than two times faster than previous HDL-based results. The best energy efficiency obtained from the accelerator (not considering host CPU) is 2.1 MPairs/J, more than one order of magnitude higher than other accelerator-based comparable approaches from the state of the art.
FPGA Acceleration of Probabilistic Sentential Decision Diagrams with High-Level Synthesis Young-kyu Choiet al. UCLA Paper Probabilistic Sentential Decision Diagrams (PSDDs) provide efficient methods for modeling and reasoning with probability distributions in the presence of massive logical constraints. PSDDs can also be synthesized from graphical models such as Bayesian networks (BNs) therefore offering a new set of tools for performing inference on these models (in time linear in the PSDD size). Despite these favorable characteristics of PSDDs, we have found multiple challenges in PSDD’s FPGA acceleration. Problems include limited parallelism, data dependency, and small pipeline iterations. In this article, we propose several optimization techniques to solve these issues with novel pipeline scheduling and parallelization schemes. We designed the PSDD kernel with a high-level synthesis (HLS) tool for ease of implementation and verified it on the Xilinx Alveo U250 board. Experimental results show that our methods improve the baseline FPGA HLS implementation performance by 2,200X and the multicore CPU implementation by 20X. The proposed design also outperforms state-of-the-art BN and Sum Product Network (SPN) accelerators that store the graph information in memory.
FPGA HLS Today: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities Jason Conget al. UCLA Paper The year 2011 marked an important transition for FPGA high-level synthesis (HLS), as it went from prototyping to deployment. A decade later, in this article, we assess the progress of the deployment of HLS technology and highlight the successes in several application domains, including deep learning, video transcoding, graph processing, and genome sequencing. We also discuss the challenges faced by today’s HLS technology and the opportunities for further research and development, especially in the areas of achieving high clock frequency, coping with complex pragmas and system integration, legacy code transformation, building on open source HLS infrastructures, supporting domain-specific languages, and standardization. It is our hope that this article will inspire more research on FPGA HLS and bring it to a new height.
FPGA Implementation of N-BEATS for Time Series Forecasting using Block Minifloat Arithmetic Wenjie Zhouet al. UCLA Paper The block minifloat (BM) number format uses an 8-bit floating point format with additional shared exponent bias to enable low-precision representation with large dynamic range. While it has been shown that the BM format can support low-precision training of convolutional neural networks such as ResNet on ImageNet at precisions down to 6 bits, its applicability to inference-only applications has not been studied. We present a BM implementation of N-BEATS, a deep neural architecture for univariate time series forecasting. N-BEATS utilises residual and fully connected (FC) blocks to achieve high accuracy. It was found that 8-bit BM had similar area and speed as 8-bit integer arithmetic with NBEATS accuracy similar to 16-bit floating point.
FPT: a Fixed-Point Accelerator for Torus Fully Homomorphic Encryption Van Beirendonck et al. COSIC KU LEUVEN Paper Fully Homomorphic Encryption is a technique that allows computation on encrypted data. It has the potential to drastically change privacy considerations in the cloud, but high computational and memory overheads are preventing its broad adoption. TFHE is a promising Torus-based FHE scheme that heavily relies on bootstrapping, the noise-removal tool that must be invoked after every encrypted gate computation. We present FPT, a Fixed-Point FPGA accelerator for TFHE bootstrapping. FPT is the first hardware accelerator to heavily exploit the inherent noise present in FHE calculations. Instead of double or single-precision floating-point arithmetic, it implements TFHE bootstrapping entirely with approximate fixed-point arithmetic. Using an in-depth analysis of noise propagation in bootstrapping FFT computations, FPT is able to use noise-trimmed fixed-point representations that are up to 50% smaller than prior implementations using floating-point or integer FFTs. FPT's microarchitecture is built as a streaming processor inspired by traditional streaming DSPs: it instantiates high-throughput computational stages that are directly cascaded, with simplified control logic and routing networks. We explore different throughput-balanced compositions of streaming kernels with a user-configurable streaming width in order to construct a full bootstrapping pipeline. FPT's streaming approach allows 100% utilization of arithmetic units and requires only small bootstrapping key caches, enabling an entirely compute-bound bootstrapping throughput of 1 BS / 35 us. This is in stark contrast to the established classical CPU approach to FHE bootstrapping acceleration, which tends to be heavily memory and bandwidth-constrained. FPT is fully implemented and evaluated as a bootstrapping FPGA kernel for an Alveo U280 datacenter accelerator card. FPT achieves almost three orders of magnitude higher bootstrapping throughput than existing CPU-based implementations, and 2.5x higher throughput compared to recent ASIC emulation experiments.
In-depth FPGA accelerator performance evaluation with single node benchmarks from the HPC challenge benchmark suite for Intel and Xilinx FPGAs using OpenCL Marius Meyer et al. Paderborn University Paper GitHub In-depth evaluation of the HPCC benchmark suite for FPGAs. We look into the power consumption and efficiency of the benchmarks. Also, we evaluate the impact of different floating-point precisions on the performance and resource utilization and give an example how the benchmarks can be used to evaluate the behavior of the underlying runtime environments.
OverGen: Improving FPGA Usability through Domain-specific Overlay Generation Sihao Liuet al. UCLA Paper FPGAs have been proven to be powerful computational accelerators across many types of workloads. The mainstream programming approach is high level synthesis (HLS), which maps high-level languages (e.g. C+ #pragmas) to hardware. Unfortunately, HLS leaves a significant programmability gap in terms of reconfigurability, customization and versatility: Although HLS compilation is fast, the downstream physical design takes hours to days; FPGA reconfiguration time limits the time-multiplexing ability of hardware, and tools do not reason about cross-workload flexibility. Overlay architectures mitigate the above by mapping a programmable design (e.g. CPU, GPU, etc.) on top of FPGAs. However, the abstraction gap between overlay and FPGA leads to low efficiency/utilization. Our essential idea is to develop a hardware generation framework targeting a highly-customizable overlay, so that the abstraction gap can be lowered by tuning the design instance to applications of interest. We leverage and extend prior work on customizable spatial architectures, SoC generation, accelerator compilers, and design space explorers to create an end-to-end FPGA acceleration system. Our novel techniques address inefficient networks between on-chip memories and processing elements, as well as improving DSE by reducing the amount of recompilation required. Our framework, OverGen, is highly competitive with fixed-function HLS-based designs, even though the generated designs are programmable with fast reconfiguration. We compared to a state-of-the-art DSE-based HLS framework, AutoDSE. Without kernel-tuning for AutoDSE, OverGen gets 1.2× geomean performance, and even with manual kernel-tuning for the baseline, OverGen still gets 0.55× geomean performance--all while providing runtime flexibility across workloads.
Pyxis: An Open-Source Performance Dataset of Sparse Accelerators Linghao Song et al. UCLA Paper Customized accelerators provide gains of performance and efficiency in specific domains of applications. Sparse data structures and/or representations exist in a wide range of applications. However, it is challenging to design accelerators for sparse applications because no architecture or performance-level analytic models are able to fully capture the spectrum of the sparse data. Accelerator researchers rely on real execution to get precise feedback for their designs. In this work, we present PYXIS, a performance dataset for customized accelerators on sparse data. PYXIS collects accelerator designs and real execution performance statistics. Currently, there are 73.8 K instances in PYXIS. PYXIS is open-source, and we are constantly growing PYXIS with new accelerator designs and performance statistics. PYXIS can be a benefit to researchers in the fields of accelerator, architecture, performance, algorithm and many related topics.
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RapidStream: Parallel Physical Implementation of FPGA HLS Designs Best Paper Licheng Guo et al. UCLA Paper FPGAs require a much longer compilation cycle than conventional computing platforms like CPUs. In this paper, we shorten the overall compilation time by co-optimizing the HLS compilation (C-to-RTL) and the back-end physical implementation (RTL-to-bitstream). We propose a split compilation approach based on the pipelining flexibility at the HLS level, which allows us to partition designs for parallel placement and routing then stitch the separate partitions together. We outline a number of technical challenges and address them by breaking the conventional boundaries between different stages of the traditional FPGA tool flow and reorganizing them to achieve a fast end-to-end compilation. Our research produces RapidStream, a parallelized and physicalintegrated compilation framework that takes in an HLS dataflow program in C/C++ and generates a fully placed and routed implementation. When tested on the Xilinx U250 FPGA with a set of realistic HLS designs, RapidStream achieves a 5-7× reduction in compile time and up to 1.3× increase in frequency when compared to a commercial-off-the-shelf toolchain. In addition, we provide preliminary results using a customized open-source router to reduce the compile time up to an order of magnitude in the cases with lower performance requirements.
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ReGraph: Scaling Graph Processing on HBM-enabled FPGAs with Heterogeneous Pipelines Xinyu Chenet al. National University of Singapore Paper Proposes a resource-efficient heterogeneous pipeline architecture. This heterogeneous architecture comprises of two types of pipelines: Little pipelines to process dense partitions with good locality and Big pipelines to process sparse partitions with the extremely poor locality. Unlike traditional monolithic pipeline designs, the heterogeneous pipelines are tailored for more specific memory access patterns, and hence are more lightweight, allowing the architecture to scale up to more effectively with limited resources. In addition, an automatic method generates the most efficient pipeline combination and balances workloads. Furthermore, ReGraph is an automated open-source framework. ReGraph outperforms state-of-the-art FPGA accelerators by up to 5.9 times in terms of performance and 12 times in terms of resource efficiency.
Serpens: A High Bandwidth Memory Based Accelerator for General-Purpose Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication Linghao Song et al. UCLA Paper GitHub Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) multiplies a sparse matrix with a dense vector. SpMV plays a crucial role in many applications, from graph analytics to deep learning. The random memory accesses of the sparse matrix make accelerator design challenging. However, high bandwidth memory (HBM) based FPGAs are a good fit for designing accelerators for SpMV. In this paper, we present Serpens, an HBM based accelerator for general-purpose SpMV, which features memory-centric processing engines and index coalescing to support the efficient processing of arbitrary SpMVs. From the evaluation of twelve large-size matrices, Serpens is 1.91x and 1.76x better in terms of geomean throughput than the latest accelerators GraphLiLy and Sextans, respectively. We also evaluate 2,519 SuiteSparse matrices, and Serpens achieves 2.10x higher throughput than a K80 GPU. For the energy/bandwidth efficiency, Serpens is 1.71x/1.99x, 1.90x/2.69x, and 6.25x/4.06x better compared with GraphLily, Sextans, and K80, respectively. After scaling up to 24 HBM channels, Serpens achieves up to 60.55 GFLOP/s (30,204 MTEPS) and up to 3.79x over GraphLily.
Sextans: A Streaming Accelerator for General-Purpose Sparse-Matrix Dense-Matrix Multiplication Linghao Song et al. UCLA Paper Sparse-Matrix Dense-Matrix multiplication (SpMM) is the key operator for a wide range of applications including scientific computing, graph processing, and deep learning. Architecting accelerators for SpMM is faced with three challenges – (1) the random memory accessing and unbalanced load in processing because of random distribution of elements in sparse matrices, (2) inefficient data handling of the large matrices which can not be fit on-chip, and (3) a non-general-purpose accelerator design where one accelerator can only process a fixed-size problem. In this paper, we present Sextans, an accelerator for general purpose SpMM processing. Sextans accelerator features (1) fast random access using on-chip memory, (2) streaming access to offchip large matrices, (3) PE-aware non-zero scheduling for balanced workload with an II=1 pipeline, and (4) hardware flexibility to enable prototyping the hardware once to support SpMMs of different size as a general-purpose accelerator. We leverage high bandwidth memory (HBM) for the efficient accessing of both sparse and dense matrices. In the evaluation, we present an FPGA prototype Sextans which is executable on a Xilinx U280 HBM FPGA board and a projected prototype Sextans-P with higher bandwidth competitive to V100 and more frequency optimization. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation on 1,400 SpMMs on a wide range of sparse matrices including 50 matrices from SNAP and 150 from SuiteSparse. We compare Sextans with NVIDIA K80 and V100 GPUs. Sextans achieves a 2.50x geomean speedup over K80 GPU and Sextans-P achieves a 1.14x geomean speedup over V100 GPU (4.94x over K80).
Note: Notes quoted from paper.
Shuhai: A Tool for Benchmarking High Bandwidth Memory on FPGAs Zeke Wang et al. Zhejiang University Paper FPGAs are starting to be enhanced with High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) as a way to reduce the memory bandwidth bottleneck encountered in some applications and to give the FPGA more capacity to deal with application state. However, the performance characteristics of HBM are still not well specified, especially in the context of FPGAs. In this paper, we bridge the gap between nominal specifications and actual performance by benchmarking HBM on a state-of-the-art FPGA, i.e., a Xilinx Alveo U280 featuring a two-stack HBM subsystem. To this end, we propose Shuhai, a benchmarking tool that allows us to demystify all the underlying details of HBM on an FPGA. FPGA-based benchmarking should also provide a more accurate picture of HBM than doing so on CPUs/GPUs, since CPUs/GPUs are noisier systems due to their complex control logic and cache hierarchy. Since the memory itself is complex, leveraging custom hardware logic to benchmark inside an FPGA provides more details as well as accurate and deterministic measurements. We observe that 1) HBM is able to provide up to 425 GB/s memory bandwidth, and 2) how HBM is used has a significant impact on performance, which in turn demonstrates the importance of unveiling the performance characteristics of HBM so as to select the best approach. As a yardstick, we also apply Shuhai to DDR4 to show the differences between HBM and DDR4. Shuhai can be easily generalized to other FPGA boards or other generations of memory, e.g., HBM3, and DDR3. We will make Shuhai open-source, benefiting the community.
StreamGCN: Accelerating Graph Convolutional Networks with Streaming Processing Atefeh Sohrabizadehet al. UCLA Paper While there have been many studies on hardware acceleration for deep learning on images, there has been a rather limited focus on accelerating deep learning applications involving graphs. The unique characteristics of graphs, such as the irregular memory access and dynamic parallelism, impose several challenges when the algorithm is mapped to a CPU or GPU. To address these challenges while exploiting all the available sparsity, we propose a flexible architecture called StreamGCN for accelerating Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN), the core computation unit in deep learning algorithms on graphs. The architecture is specialized for streaming processing of many small graphs for graph search and similarity computation. The experimental results demonstrate that StreamGCN can deliver a high speedup compared to a multi-core CPU and a GPU implementation, showing the efficiency of our design.
ThunderGP: Resource-Efficient Graph ProcessingFramework on FPGAs with HLS Xinyu Chenet al. National University of Singapore Paper GitHub ThunderGP, an HLS-based graph processing framework on FPGAs, with which developers could enjoy FPGA-accelerated graph processing with no prior knowledge of hardware design. ThunderGP adopts the gather-apply-scatter (GAS) model as the abstraction of various graph algorithms and realizes the model by a build-in highly parallel and memory-efficient accelerator template. ThunderGP on DRAM-based hardware platforms provides 1.9 × ∼ 5.2 × improvement on bandwidth efficiency over the state-of-the-art, while ThunderGP on HBM-based hardware platforms delivers up to 5.2 × speedup over the state-of-the-art RTL-based approach.
TopSort: A High-Performance Two-Phase Sorting Accelerator Optimized on HBM-Based FPGAs Weikang Qiaoet al. UCLA Paper The emergence of high-bandwidth memory (HBM) brings new opportunities to boost the performance of sorting acceleration on FPGAs, which was conventionally bounded by the available off-chip memory bandwidth. However, it is nontrivial for designers to fully utilize this immense bandwidth. First, the existing sorter designs cannot be directly scaled at the increasing rate of available off-chip bandwidth, as the required on-chip resource usage grows at a much faster rate and would bound the sorting performance in turn. Second, designers need an in-depth understanding of HBM's characteristics to effectively utilize the HBM bandwidth. To tackle these challenges, we present TopSort, a novel two-phase sorting solution optimized for HBM-based FPGAs. In the first phase, 16 merge trees work in parallel to fully utilize 32 HBM channels’ bandwidth. In the second phase, TopSort reuses the logic from phase one to form a wider merge tree to merge the partially sorted results from phase one. TopSort also adopts HBM-specific optimizations to reduce resource overhead and improve bandwidth utilization. TopSort can sort up to 4 GB data using all 32 HBM channels, with an overall sorting performance of 15.6 GB/s. TopSort is 6.7× and 2.7× faster than state-of-the-art CPU and FPGA sorters.


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ACCL: FPGA-Accelerated Collectives over 100 Gbps TCP-IP Zhenhao He et al. AMD Research Labs Paper GitHub ACCL is a Vitis kernel and associated Pynq and XRT drivers which together provide MPI-like collectives for AMD FPGAs. ACCL is designed to enable compute kernels resident in FPGA fabric to communicate directly under host supervision but without requiring data movement between the FPGA and host. Instead, ACCL uses Vitis-compatible TCP and UDP stacks to connect FPGAs directly over Ethernet at up to 100 Gbps on Alveo cards.
AutoBridge: Coupling Coarse-Grained Floorplanning and Pipelining for High-Frequency HLS Design on Multi-Die FPGAs Best Paper Licheng Guo et al. UCLA Paper GitHub Despite an increasing adoption of high-level synthesis (HLS) for its design productivity advantages, there remains a significant gap in the achievable frequency between an HLS design and a handcrafted RTL one. A key factor that limits the timing quality of the HLS outputs is the difficulty in accurately estimating the interconnect delay at the HLS level. This problem becomes even worse when large HLS designs are implemented on the latest multi-die FPGAs. To tackle this challenge, we propose AutoBridge, an automated framework that couples a coarse-grained floorplanning step with pipelining during HLS compilation. First, our approach provides HLS with a view on the global physical layout of the design, allowing HLS to more easily identify and pipeline the long wires, especially those crossing the die boundaries. Second, by exploiting the flexibility of HLS pipelining, the floorplanner is able to distribute the design logic across multiple dies on the FPGA device without degrading clock frequency. This prevents the placer from aggressively packing the logic on a single die which often results in local routing congestion that eventually degrades timing. Since pipelining may introduce additional latency, we further present analysis and algorithms to ensure the added latency will not compromise the overall throughput. AutoBridge can be integrated into the existing CAD toolflow for AMD FPGAs. In our experiments with a total of 43 design configurations, we improve the average frequency from 147 MHz to 297 MHz (a 102% improvement) with no loss of throughput and a negligible change in resource utilization. Notably, in 16 experiments we make the originally unroutable designs achieve 274 MHz on average.
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AutoSA: A Polyhedral Compiler for High-Performance Systolic Arrays on FPGA Jie Wang et al. UCLA Paper While systolic array architectures have the potential to deliver tremendous performance, it is notoriously challenging to customize an efficient systolic array processor for a target application. Designing systolic arrays requires knowledge for both high-level characteristics of the application and low-level hardware details, thus making it a demanding and inefficient process. To relieve users from the manual iterative trial-and-error process, we present AutoSA, an end-to-end compilation framework for generating systolic arrays on FPGA. AutoSA is based on the polyhedral framework, and further incorporates a set of optimizations on different dimensions to boost performance. An efficient and comprehensive design space exploration is performed to search for high-performance designs. We have demonstrated AutoSA on a wide range of applications, on which AutoSA achieves high performance within a short amount of time. As an example, for matrix multiplication, AutoSA achieves 934 GFLOPs, 3.41 TOPs, and 6.95 TOPs in floating point, 16-bit and 8-bit integer data types on Alveo Alveo U250.
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Distributed Recommendation Inference on FPGA Clusters Yu Zhu et al. ETH Zurich Paper Implementation of an efficient distributed recommendation inference on an FPGA cluster that optimizes both the memory-bound embedding layer and the computation-bound fully-connected layers. The system achieves a maximum speed up of 28.95x, while guaranteeing very low latency.
EasyNet: 100 Gbps Network for HLS Zhenhao He et al. ETH Zurich Paper GitHub Integration of an open-source 100 Gbps TCP/IP stack into Vitis without degrading its performance. A set of MPI-like communication primitives are provided to abstract away low level details of the networking stack.
Elastic-DF: Scaling Performance of DNN Inference in FPGA Clouds through Automatic Partitioning Tobias Alonso et al. AMD Research Labs Paper Elastic-DF allocates FPGA resources to DNN layers and layers to individual FPGA dies to maximize the total performance of the multi-FPGA system. In the resulting Elastic-DF mapping, the accelerator may be instantiated multiple times, and each instance may be segmented across multiple FPGAs transparently, whereby the segments communicate peer-to-peer through 100 Gbps Ethernet FPGA infrastructure, without host involvement.
Extending High-Level Synthesis for Task-Parallel Programs Yuze Chi et al. UCLA Paper C/C++/OpenCL-based high-level synthesis (HLS) becomes more and more popular for field-programmable gate array (FPGA) accelerators in many application domains in recent years, thanks to its competitive quality of results (QoR) and short development cycles compared with the traditional register transfer level design approach. Yet, limited by the sequential C semantics, it remains challenging to adopt the same highly productive high-level programming approach in many other application domains, where coarse-grained tasks run in parallel and communicate with each other at a fine-grained level. While current HLS tools do support task-parallel programs, the productivity is greatly limited ① in the code development cycle due to the poor programmability, ② in the correctness verification cycle due to restricted software simulation, and ③ in the QoR tuning cycle due to slow code generation. Such limited productivity often defeats the purpose of HLS and hinder programmers from adopting HLS for task-parallel FPGA accelerators. In this paper, we extend the HLS C++ language and present a fully automated framework with programmer-friendly interfaces, unconstrained software simulation, and fast hierarchical code generation to overcome these limitations and demonstrate how task-parallel programs can be productively supported in HLS. Experimental results based on a wide range of real-world task parallel programs show that, on average, the lines of kernel and host code are reduced by 22% and 51%, respectively, which considerably improves the programmability. The correctness verification and the iterative QoR tuning cycles are both greatly shortened by 3.2× and 6.8×, respectively.
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FleetRec: Large-Scale Recommendation Inference on Hybrid GPU-FPGA Clusters Wenqi Jiang et al. ETH Zurich Paper GitHub A high-performance and scalable recommendation inference system within tight latency constraints. FleetRec takes advantage of both GPUs and FPGAs by disaggregating computation and memory to different types of accelerators and bridging their connections by high-speed network, FleetRec gains the best of both worlds, and can naturally scale out by adding nodes to the cluster
Graviton: A Reconfigurable Memory-Compute Fabric for Data Intensive Applications Ashutosh Dhar et al. UIUC Book Chapter The rigid organization and distribution of computational and memory resources often limits how well accelerators can cope with changing algorithms and increasing dataset sizes and limits how efficiently they use their computational and memory resources. In this work, we leverage a novel computing paradigm and propose a new memory-based reconfigurable fabric, Graviton. We demonstrate the ability to dynamically trade memory for compute and vice versa, and can tune the architecture of the underlying hardware to suit the memory and compute requirements of the application. On a die-to-die basis, Graviton provides up to 47X more on-chip memory capacity over an Alveo U250 SLR, with just an additional 1.7% area on a die-to-die basis than modern FPGAs, and is 28.7X faster, on average, on a range of compute and data intensive tasks
HBM Connect: High-Performance HLS Interconnect for FPGA HBM Young-kyu Choi et al. UCLA Paper With the recent release of High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) based FPGA boards, developers can now exploit unprecedented external memory bandwidth. This allows more memory-bounded applications to benefit from FPGA acceleration. However, fully utilizing the available bandwidth may not be an easy task. If an application requires multiple processing elements to access multiple HBM channels, we observed a significant drop in the effective bandwidth. The existing high-level synthesis (HLS) programming environment had limitation in producing an efficient communication architecture. In order to solve this problem, we propose HBM Connect, a high-performance customized interconnect for FPGA HBM board. Novel HLS-based optimization techniques are introduced to increase the throughput of AXI bus masters and switching elements. We also present a high-performance customized crossbar that may replace the built-in crossbar. The effectiveness of HBM Connect is demonstrated using Xilinx’s Alveo U280 HBM board. Based on bucket sort and merge sort case studies, we explore several design spaces and find the design point with the best resource-performance tradeoff. The result shows that HBM Connect improves the resource performance metrics by 6.5X–211X.
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Large Graph Convolutional Network Training with GPU-Oriented Data Communication Architecture Seung Won Min et al. UIUC Paper Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are increasingly adopted in large-scale graph-based recommender systems. Training GCN requires the minibatch generator traversing graphs and sampling the sparsely located neighboring nodes to obtain their features. Since real-world graphs often exceed the capacity of GPU memory, current GCN training systems keep the feature table in host memory and rely on the CPU to collect sparse features before sending them to the GPUs. This approach, however, puts tremendous pressure on host memory bandwidth and the CPU. This is because the CPU needs to (1) read sparse features from memory, (2) write features into memory as a dense format, and (3) transfer the features from memory to the GPUs
FLOWER: A Comprehensive Dataflow Compiler for High-Level Synthesis Puya Amiri et al. DFKI Paper Github A compiler that provides automatic transformations for high-level synthesis from a domain-specific library. This allows programmers to focus on algorithm implementations rather than low-level optimizations for dataflow architectures. FLOWER generates efficient implementations for high-performance streaming applications, in the context of image processing and computer vision. The implementation covers the generation of both device and corresponding host codes.
MicroRec: Efficient Recommendation Inference by Hardware and Data Structure Solutions Wenqi Jiang et al. ETH Zurich Paper High-performance inference engine for recommendation systems. MicroRec accelerates recommendation inference by (1) redesigning the data structures to reduce the number of lookups and (2) taking advantage of HBM in FPGA accelerators to tackle the latency by enabling parallel lookups.
Optimized Implementation of the HPCG Benchmark on Reconfigurable Hardware Alberto Zeni et al. Xilinx Inc. Paper The HPCG benchmark represents a modern complement to the HPL benchmark in the performance evaluation of HPC systems. This paper presents the details of the first FPGA-based implementation of HPCG that takes advantage customized compute architectures. The results show that the high-performance multi-FPGA implementation, using 1 and 4 AMD Alveo U280 achieves up to 108.3 GFlops and 346.5 GFlops respectively. Comparable performance with respect to modern GPUs are also demonstrated.
Scotch: Generating FPGA-Accelerators for Sketching at Line Rate Martin Kiefer et al. TU Berlin, DFKI Paper GitHub Sketching algorithms are a powerful tool for single-pass data summarization. Their numerous applications include approximate query processing, machine learning, and large-scale network monitoring. In the presence of high-bandwidth interconnects or in-memory data, the throughput of summary maintenance over input data becomes the bottleneck. While FPGAs have shown admirable throughput and energy-efficiency for data processing tasks, developing FPGA accelerators requires a sophisticated hardware design and expensive manual tuning by an expert. We propose Scotch, a novel system for accelerating sketch maintenance using FPGAs. Scotch provides a domain-specific language for the user-friendly, high-level definition of a broad class of sketching algorithms. A code generator performs the heavy-lifting of hardware description, while an auto-tuning algorithm optimizes the summary size. Our evaluation shows that FPGA accelerators generated by Scotch outperform CPU- and GPU-based sketching by up to two orders of magnitude in terms of throughput and up to a factor of five in terms of energy efficiency.
Skew-oblivious Data Routing for Data Intensive Applications on FPGAs with HLS Xinyu Chen et al. UIUC Paper FPGAs have become emerging computing infrastructures for accelerating applications in datacenters. Meanwhile, high-level synthesis (HLS) tools have been proposed to ease the programming of FPGAs. Even with HLS, irregular data-intensive applications require explicit optimizations, among which multiple processing elements (PEs) with each owning a private BRAM-based buffer are usually adopted to process multiple data per cycle. Data routing, which dynamically dispatches multiple data to designated PEs, avoids data replication in buffers compared to statically assigning data to PEs, hence saving BRAM usage. However, the workload imbalance among PEs vastly diminishes performance when processing skew datasets
SKT: A One-Pass Multi-Sketch Data Analytics Accelerator Monica Chiosa et al. ETH Zurich/Accemic Technologies Paper GitHub SKT is an FPGA-based accelerator that can compute several sketches along with basic statistics (average, max, min, etc.) in a single pass over the data streams. SKT has been designed to characterize a data set by calculating its cardinality, its second frequency moment, and its frequency distribution. The design processes data streams coming either from PCIe or TCP/IP, and it is built to fit emerging cloud service architectures
TwinDNN: A Tale of Two Deep Neural Networks Hyunmin Jeong et al. UIUC Paper Machine learning is one of the most popular fields in the current era. It is used in various areas, such as speech recognition, face recognition, medical diagnosis, etc. However, the problem is that the neural networks for machine learning applications are becoming too large and slow as they get more complicated and powerful. This problem gets especially serious when neural networks are used for edge devices with a small chip. As a result, researchers have proposed two major solutions to solve this problem
WinoCNN: Kernel Sharing Winograd Systolic Array for Efficient Convolutional Neural Network Acceleration on FPGAs Xinheng Liu et al. UIUC Paper The combination of Winograd's algorithm and systolic array architecture has demonstrated the capability of improving DSP efficiency in accelerating convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on FPGA platforms. However, handling arbitrary convolution kernel sizes in FPGA-based Winograd processing elements and supporting efficient data access remain under explored. In this work, we are the first to propose an optimized Winograd processing element (WinoPE), which can naturally support multiple convolution kernel sizes with the same amount of computing resources and maintains high runtime DSP efficiency. Using the proposed WinoPE, we construct a highly efficient systolic array accelerator, termed WinoCNN. We also propose a dedicated memory subsystem to optimize the data access. Based on the accelerator architecture, we build accurate resource and performance modeling to explore optimal accelerator configurations under different resource constraints. We implement our proposed accelerator on multiple FPGAs, which outperforms the state-of-the-art designs in terms of both throughput and DSP efficiency


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Do OS abstractions make sense on FPGAs? Dario Korolija et al. ETH Zurich Paper To what extent do traditional OS abstractions make sense in the context of an FPGA as part of a hybrid system? This paper introduces Coyote which supports secure spatial and temporal multiplexing of the FPGA between tenants, virtual memory, communication, and memory management inside a uniform execution environment.
EMOGI: efficient memory-access for out-of-memory graph-traversal in GPUs Seung Won Min et al. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Paper Sparse-matrix computation
Evaluating FPGA Accelerator Performance with a Parameterized OpenCL Adaptation of Selected Benchmarks of the HPCChallenge Benchmark Suite Marius Meyer et al. Paderborn University Paper GitHub OpenCL-based open-source implementation of the HPCC benchmark suite for FPGAs.
FReaC Cache: Folded-logic Reconfigurable Computing in the Last Level Cache Ashutosh Dhar et al. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Paper Energy efficient computation
Making Search Engines Faster by Lowering the Cost of Querying Business Rules Through FPGAs Fabio Maschi et al. ETH Zurich Paper Explore how to use hardware acceleration to (i) improve the performance of the MCT module (lower latency, higher throughput); and (ii) reduce the amount of computing resources needed
Portable Linear Algebra on FPGA using Data-Centric Parallel Programming Manuel Burger et al. ETH Zurich GitHub 2020 XOHW Winner PhD
Specializing the network for scatter-gather workloads Catalina Alvarez et al. ETH Zurich Paper Explore hardware-offload of the scatter-gather primitive. This approach not only virtually eliminates CPU usage, but with suitable scheduling of responses, it also speeds up scatter by allowing parallel queries
Weighing up the new kid on the block: Impressions of using Vitis for HPC software development Nick Brown et al. The University of Edinburgh Paper Vitis case study using Himeno benchmark as a vehicle for exploring the Vitis platform for building, executing and optimizing HPC codes


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AcMC²: Accelerating Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms for Probabilistic Models Subho S. Banerjee et al. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Paper Compiler development transforming probabilistic models into optimized hardware accelerators
Cloud-DNN: An Open Framework for Mapping DNN Models to Cloud FPGAs Yao Chen et al. National University of Singapore Paper Open-source automated tool chain called Cloud-DNN. Our tool chain takes trained CNN models specified in Caffe as input, performs a set of transformations, and maps the model to a cloud-based FPGA. Cloud-DNN can significantly improve the overall design productivity of CNNs on FPGAs while satisfying the emergent computational requirements.
Flexible Communication Avoiding Matrix Multiplication on FPGA with HLS Johannes de Fine Licht et al. ETH Zurich Paper A flexible, fully HLS-based, high-performance matrix multiplication accelerator, capable of efficiently utilizing all available resources on the target device, including for multi-SLR FPGAs.
High-Performance Distributed Memory Programming on Reconfigurable Hardware Tiziano De Matteis et al. ETH Zurich Paper SMI is an API that unifies the flexibility and single-program, multiple-data approach of MPI with the streaming programming model of spatial architectures.
Inductive-bias-driven Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Schedules in Heterogeneous Clusters Subho S. Banerjee et al. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Paper System schedulers
hlslib: Software Engineering for Hardware Design Johannes de Fine Licht et al. ETH Zurich Paper A collection of extensions for Vitis to improve developer quality of life, including CMake integration, better vectorization support, support for simulating dataflow kernels with feedback dependencies.
Stateful Dataflow Multigraphs: A Data-Centric Model for Performance Portability on Heterogeneous Architectures Tal Ben-Nun et al. ETH Zurich Paper Enables high-level programming of FPGAs from Python using the dataflow-based SDFG representation, allowing productive optimization of programs via provided graph transformations without modifying the input program, and code generating highly efficient FPGA kernels.


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FINN-R: An End-to-End Deep-Learning Framework for Fast Exploration of Quantized Neural Networks Michaela Blott et al. Xilinx Inc. FINN-R Paper Framework for Quantized Neural Networks on reconfigurable hardware
Transformations of High-Level Synthesis Codes for High-Performance Computing Johannes de Fine Licht et al. ETH Zurich Paper A survey of important source-to-source optimization techniques for high-throughput HLS codes to target pipelining, parallelism, and memory bandwidth utilization.


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Architectural optimizations for high performance and energy efficient Smith-Waterman implementation on FPGAs using OpenCL Lorenzo Di Tucci et al. Xilinx Inc. and Politecnico di Milano Paper Smith-Waterman: A key bio-informatics algorithm


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FINN: A Framework for Fast, Scalable Binarized Neural Network Inference Yaman Umuroglu et al. Xilinx Inc. FINN Paper Framework for Binarized Neural networks on reconfigurable hardware